Highlights from #FoodFictionFriday Assignment #2: Distillation

And… week 2 of #FoodFictionFriday is in the books. You guys are really finding your writing groove. As a reminder, the challenge was to use the principles of distillation to write and edit a piece describing a person as a drink.

Here are some highlights:

This piece from @Boomboombbq read in such an effortless, uncontrived way. The drink metaphor was so natural, you’d think we all described people that way.

@Demewalls wrote a heartfelt yet unsentimental ode to one of the best drinks of all time. Don’t you want to be this guy’s best friend?

And finally… here’s mine!

Keep on the lookout for the next prompt on this blog or on Instagram. The next assignment goes a little more outside the box. ;)