Pineapple Lemon Balm Sorbet with Pistachio Shortbread


Growing up, I thought lemon balm was really called Lemon Bomb. It overtook our vegetable beds and was more obnoxious weed than treasured herb.

This sorbet makes an obnoxious herb into a well-mannered member of society. The pineapple works double duty. It brings out the floral, citrusy notes of the lemon balm, and also accents its spicy, stinging flavor. In turn, the pineapple is made less cloying and more complex. It's a win-win for everyone, especially with a buttery pistachio shortbread cookie I saved from my David Kinch Manresa dinner. This tastes like a cocktail who left the tiki bar and went to grad school. If you know what I mean.

Recipe: Vitamix 1/2 cups of frozen pineapple and a tight fistful of lemon balm leaves. Puree. Serve with cookie. Excuse obvious recipes on this blog. Serves 2.